Hello again!
A local gaming store is holding a painting competition.
You got to choose between some Games Workshop terrain pieces to take with you. Until a certain deadline you have to paint it and bring it back to them. An online vote will then decide over the winners. The first three places will receive gift vouchers for the store.
I chose the awesome Chaos Overlord Bastion and (thank Khorne!) finished it last weekend.
Hello and welcome to my blog "Brush And Miniature Torture"!
What will you find in here? Of course everything about my armies, conversions, paint jobs, terrain, and latest commission works for Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy - and more! Enjoy and comment in English or German! I'm also happy about every follower.
What will you find in here? Of course everything about my armies, conversions, paint jobs, terrain, and latest commission works for Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy - and more! Enjoy and comment in English or German! I'm also happy about every follower.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Sunday, July 10, 2016
First games of Kings of War
Hello folks,
In the last couple weeks I painted lots and lots of Perry Miniatures and also had 3 games of Kings of War. The first two were against Undead and the third one against Dwarfs.
The 1000p and 1500p matches against my friend's Undead were two defeats. The match against the Dwarfs was a draw but only because we had to play a 7th turn, otherwise it would have been a victory for me.
With every match I learned a lot about tacticts and which units to use. The game itself is just amazing and yet simple to learn and understand.
Next Thursday I'll be playing 2000p against a friend's Abyssal Dwarfs and I'm keen to ride them all down.
In the last couple weeks I painted lots and lots of Perry Miniatures and also had 3 games of Kings of War. The first two were against Undead and the third one against Dwarfs.
The 1000p and 1500p matches against my friend's Undead were two defeats. The match against the Dwarfs was a draw but only because we had to play a 7th turn, otherwise it would have been a victory for me.
With every match I learned a lot about tacticts and which units to use. The game itself is just amazing and yet simple to learn and understand.
Next Thursday I'll be playing 2000p against a friend's Abyssal Dwarfs and I'm keen to ride them all down.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Putting old models to new use
Hello folks,
As I'm still waiting for my bulk order of Perry Miniatures to arrive (it's been a month now...) I painted up some models which I've been fond of ever since.
I'm talking about the old metal Black Guard of Naggaroth models from Games Workshop's Dark Elven range. I was lucky to get my hands on 25 of these at a reasonable price. I also had 4 of these laying around (one of them is my Dungeons & Dragons character).
Having a total of 28 models, I painted a test miniature in a quite uncanny way: some vicious green for the clothing and an eye-straining orange on top of a black armour with green highlights.
It came out quite nicely I daresay and so I painted the rest of the models in the same fashion. I'm going to be using them as two regiments of Reaper Guards for a Twilight Kin army in Kings of War (yes, I'm already planning my second army (yes, I don't even have a first army (yes, I never played KoW so far))).
Here you go:
Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time putting them on the MDF lasercut regiment bases. I was aiming at using 14 per base but I can hardly fit 12 on them. To even out the bases they stand on, I'll add a cork plate with 20x20mm notches for the models to be mounted in.
As I'm still waiting for my bulk order of Perry Miniatures to arrive (it's been a month now...) I painted up some models which I've been fond of ever since.
I'm talking about the old metal Black Guard of Naggaroth models from Games Workshop's Dark Elven range. I was lucky to get my hands on 25 of these at a reasonable price. I also had 4 of these laying around (one of them is my Dungeons & Dragons character).
Having a total of 28 models, I painted a test miniature in a quite uncanny way: some vicious green for the clothing and an eye-straining orange on top of a black armour with green highlights.
It came out quite nicely I daresay and so I painted the rest of the models in the same fashion. I'm going to be using them as two regiments of Reaper Guards for a Twilight Kin army in Kings of War (yes, I'm already planning my second army (yes, I don't even have a first army (yes, I never played KoW so far))).
Here you go:
Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time putting them on the MDF lasercut regiment bases. I was aiming at using 14 per base but I can hardly fit 12 on them. To even out the bases they stand on, I'll add a cork plate with 20x20mm notches for the models to be mounted in.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Last Clerical Heroes
Unfortunately, my order comprising 7 boxes of Perry Miniatures that I placed on 15th April hasn't been shipped yet. In the meantime, I painted the last two Heroes for my Brotherhood army - a Devoted on Foot and a Devoted/Exemplar Adjutant on Horse.
It's really cruel having to wait for your models so long, especially when you're full of drive to commence with your first Kings of War project. Also, I won't be able to play my very first match any time soon.
Kings of War,
Perry Miniatures,
The Brotherhood
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Three modular forests
Hello reader!
Yesterday evening just after watching the latest episode of Game of Thrones I finished yet some more terrain for my gaming board: three modular forests.
The single trees can be taken off to make place for regiments and the like.
On the back of the forest bases I added a thin piece of cardboard and painted it dark brown on the visible side. Thus the bases can be lifted without the trees staying on the tabletop or dangling in mid-air.
Furthermore, I kept the bases themselves quite flat so I don't have problems placing the regiments smoothly.
Yesterday evening just after watching the latest episode of Game of Thrones I finished yet some more terrain for my gaming board: three modular forests.
The single trees can be taken off to make place for regiments and the like.
On the back of the forest bases I added a thin piece of cardboard and painted it dark brown on the visible side. Thus the bases can be lifted without the trees staying on the tabletop or dangling in mid-air.
Furthermore, I kept the bases themselves quite flat so I don't have problems placing the regiments smoothly.
Gaming board,
Kings of War,
Perry Miniatures,
Monday, April 25, 2016
Maiden of Virtue
Hello folks!
Today I present to you the Maiden of Virtue for my Brotherhood army. The list entry for her is the Forsaken Beast which represents her quite fittingly I think.
The model is from Reaper Miniatures. Great stuff they're producing and really to the liking of my purse.
Today I present to you the Maiden of Virtue for my Brotherhood army. The list entry for her is the Forsaken Beast which represents her quite fittingly I think.
The model is from Reaper Miniatures. Great stuff they're producing and really to the liking of my purse.
Kings of War,
Reaper Miniatures,
The Brotherhood
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Casualty Counters & Fences
Hello there,
This week my parcel from war-bases.co.uk arrived, containing some casualty counters.
With these brilliant little things you can keep track of how many wounds your units have suffered so far (or use them as turn counters etc.).
For me they are predestinated for my Kings of War matches to come.Thus we can avoid placing dice next to the regiments which can easily be flipped over or be mistaken for regular dice to roll.
Also, I took up painting some new terrain for my future gaming board as I don't have any fantasy-related pieces.
The first parts to be finished were three fences as they represent nice obstacles for hindered charges and line of sight blockers. Using some coffee chopsticks from McD and sprue leftovers, they were cheap and easy to do, too.
This week my parcel from war-bases.co.uk arrived, containing some casualty counters.
With these brilliant little things you can keep track of how many wounds your units have suffered so far (or use them as turn counters etc.).
For me they are predestinated for my Kings of War matches to come.Thus we can avoid placing dice next to the regiments which can easily be flipped over or be mistaken for regular dice to roll.
All I did was glueing Green Stuff molds of skull bases on top of them, adding some bird sand with PVA glue and paint them up. Some Iceland moss and tufts of grass gave them their final touch.
Also, I took up painting some new terrain for my future gaming board as I don't have any fantasy-related pieces.
The first parts to be finished were three fences as they represent nice obstacles for hindered charges and line of sight blockers. Using some coffee chopsticks from McD and sprue leftovers, they were cheap and easy to do, too.
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Ork Mega Dread & Ork War Boss on Bike
Yet again I finished some miniatures for my long time customer. This time I painted Forge World's Ork Mega Dread and War Boss on Bike.
I really enjoyed working on these models as they have an incredible and stunning amount of details and are well sculpted.
Yet again I finished some miniatures for my long time customer. This time I painted Forge World's Ork Mega Dread and War Boss on Bike.
I really enjoyed working on these models as they have an incredible and stunning amount of details and are well sculpted.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Secular Command
Hello fellow hobby enthusiasts,
The next three models for my Kings of War Brotherhood army got finished this afternoon.
I'll be using them as various mounted Heroes. The one on the left will get a banner attached to his lance, hence I'm going to field him as my Exemplar Adjutant on bardes Horse (an army standard bearer).
To bridge the time until my boxes of plastic miniatures have arrived I'll paint up the other two clerics I showed to you in the previous post.
Kings of War,
Perry Miniatures,
The Brotherhood
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Clerical Command for my Brotherhood
Today I had lots of fun painting some miniatures for my own use for diversion.
I chose a priest on foot and one on a donkey to be the first miniatures getting painted for my Kings of War Brotherhood army.
I'll be using them as a Devoted on "Horse" and a Devoted on foot.
The box they belong to contains two more clerical models, an arch bishop and a mounted abbot holding a large cross:
I guess they'll be put to good use, too. Three mounted Heroes will be up next.
Today I had lots of fun painting some miniatures for my own use for diversion.
I chose a priest on foot and one on a donkey to be the first miniatures getting painted for my Kings of War Brotherhood army.
I'll be using them as a Devoted on "Horse" and a Devoted on foot.
The box they belong to contains two more clerical models, an arch bishop and a mounted abbot holding a large cross:
![]() |
(c) by Perry Miniatures |
Kings of War,
Perry Miniatures,
The Brotherhood
Mid-Heresy Iron Warriors Sale 2016
Hello folks,
Yesterday I managed to do a complete overview of all the models of my Mid-Heresy Iron Warriors army.
I also took good pictures of them and all the additional stuff like markers and gaming accessoires.
The army contains lots and lots of conversions, scratchbuilds, Forge World stuff and rare models you can't get your hands on anymore.
I painted the army with blood, sweat and tears. Hopefully, you can see the good quality of the paintjobs and that I'm a stickler for details.
Anyway, here's the overview:
Yesterday I managed to do a complete overview of all the models of my Mid-Heresy Iron Warriors army.
I also took good pictures of them and all the additional stuff like markers and gaming accessoires.
The army contains lots and lots of conversions, scratchbuilds, Forge World stuff and rare models you can't get your hands on anymore.
I painted the army with blood, sweat and tears. Hopefully, you can see the good quality of the paintjobs and that I'm a stickler for details.
Anyway, here's the overview:
As you can see it's hell of a lot of stuff! But as pictures say more than words, here comes the link for my web album:
If you're interested in buying or have additional questions mail to
Thank you!
Monday, April 11, 2016
Back from the depths
Hello ladies and gentlemen,
It has been a very long time - too long for my taste. But I haven't been idle all this time.
In September 2014 I started an education to become an IT officer after I realized that studying at the university to become a teacher is the wrong way to go for me.
I'm half way through with my above mentioned education and of course I have been assembling and painting tabletop minis all this time. Alas, not for me but for my long time commissioner.
I'm still currently working on Space Orcs for him which should be finished by the end of 2016.
But I haven't played a single 40k game for more than 2 years now. And I will never be returning to 40k. I will set up my Iron Warriors force for auction in one or two months. So if you're interested in a large and fully painted/converted Iron Warriors Heresy force, hit me up.
One week ago my former flat mates came to visit me and we spent the afternoon and evening painting and were chatting about old times. Then they came up with Kings of War. I had heard of it before but gave it no further attention. Another mate of mine, who is the Game Master in our Dungeons & Dragons group, is a mad collector of everything and I asked him all about it as he first came up with it in our circle of friends.
After reading the rules and the fluff and getting to know about the fact that you can use diorama regiment bases and don't have to take away minis for damage inflicted I fell in love with the system.
So I came up with the idea of a 15th century medieval human army and my friend suggested Perry Miniatures' Wars of the Roses range. Bingo! 36-42 minis per box for 18 to 21 EUR? Amazing, count me in! I'm already gathering basing material, lasercut MDF bases and lots of ideas.
So now you know what you can expect to see here in the near future. My mind's full of ideas that want to be realized.
All I have to do now is wait for my salary for painting Orcs. ;)
See you soon!
It has been a very long time - too long for my taste. But I haven't been idle all this time.
In September 2014 I started an education to become an IT officer after I realized that studying at the university to become a teacher is the wrong way to go for me.
I'm half way through with my above mentioned education and of course I have been assembling and painting tabletop minis all this time. Alas, not for me but for my long time commissioner.
I'm still currently working on Space Orcs for him which should be finished by the end of 2016.
But I haven't played a single 40k game for more than 2 years now. And I will never be returning to 40k. I will set up my Iron Warriors force for auction in one or two months. So if you're interested in a large and fully painted/converted Iron Warriors Heresy force, hit me up.
One week ago my former flat mates came to visit me and we spent the afternoon and evening painting and were chatting about old times. Then they came up with Kings of War. I had heard of it before but gave it no further attention. Another mate of mine, who is the Game Master in our Dungeons & Dragons group, is a mad collector of everything and I asked him all about it as he first came up with it in our circle of friends.
After reading the rules and the fluff and getting to know about the fact that you can use diorama regiment bases and don't have to take away minis for damage inflicted I fell in love with the system.
So I came up with the idea of a 15th century medieval human army and my friend suggested Perry Miniatures' Wars of the Roses range. Bingo! 36-42 minis per box for 18 to 21 EUR? Amazing, count me in! I'm already gathering basing material, lasercut MDF bases and lots of ideas.
Picture taken from Perry Miniatures website |
So now you know what you can expect to see here in the near future. My mind's full of ideas that want to be realized.
All I have to do now is wait for my salary for painting Orcs. ;)
See you soon!
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